Me: it’s 1:22 here so that means it’s 3:22 at Meema’s house.
Tommy: so one hour difference.
Me: no. Two.
Tommy: well by my calculations, it’s one.
Maggie: I agree with Tommo.
Author Archives: masaki
I don’t know
Maggie: Mama, does Minnie live with Mickey?
Maggie: I don’t like all the mixed up food smells in the fridge. Do you?
The Little Liusers love Jim Gaffigan. Tommy told me he dreamed about him last night. In the dream, JG was doing tricks on a water fountain. Then a girl came out and did better tricks.
I was listening to Gaffigan’s audio book Dad Is Fat and Maggie asked “is that guy real? I want to meet him.” Or maybe she meant she wanted to meet his kids. She kind of mumbled at the end.
Tommy: can I get a haircut the morning we leave for meema’s house? I want to look handsome and charming.
I fixed that
Motherhood is the necessity of invention, amiright? I have had it up to here ^ with fishing tiny toys and sundry partially eaten food stuffs out from under the couch. Hacked up pool noodle to the rescue. If I get real ambitious I may cover them with fabric so they don’t look so…pool noodily. I’ll let you know.
Sleepy boy
He really is this sweet
This morning after spanish class, (which went great) Maggie was screaming in the car bc I wouldn’t give her my phone so he handed her his toy. I said he shouldn’t give her stuff just bc she was screaming and he said “that’s ok. I love Maggie more than I love my toys.” I’m about to bawl now just thinking about it.
Then after class Mary came over with two of her kids and when they got ready to leave, Rowan came down carrying an arm load of toys tommy had given him. Including some he really likes and plays w a lot. Mary said “how about if we bring them back next week?” t said “you can if you want but I’m giving them to him.” I am still about to cry.
Maggie on love, hair, naps and sprinkles
Maggie: I love you so much. I don’t ever want you to cry. I don’t want you teeth to cry.
Why do I have feathers on my arm?
Saki said she could take a nap on the couch today. Her eyes got big and she said “this is gonna be AWEsome!”
I bought a box of chocolate sprinkles and Maggie was helping me open it. She got excited that it had a little pour spout like a malt o meal box. She said “it’s a shortcut!”
Tommy is sitting in the service with me and he heard the preacher say his memory verse we were working on this week but he said “he said it different!” (different version) I couldn’t believe he caught it at all. His first words to me this morning were that he thought I was pretty.